
Dr Mahathir is a victim of his own creation

Raja Sara Petra

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is upset that the district police will not allow his debate with Nazri Aziz to proceed when, according to him, even the Prime Minister and the IGP have no objections.

If Mahathir still insists on the debate, and if Nazri, too, is of the same view, I would be quite happy to organise this debate for them in the UK where you do not need to suffer the problem of police permits.

In fact, you can even set up a society or movement in the UK without needing to get permission from the RoS. For that matter the UK does not even have a RoS.

Why did Mahathir not abolish all these draconian laws when he was Prime Minister? Why grumble now when it was he who tightened and introduced many of these laws?

#atasteofyourownmedicine #nowthatlawsarenotinyourfavoryoustartstogrumble

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