
Nurul Izzah has opened herself to a law suit

Raja Sara Petra

Yesterday, Nurul Izzah Anwar said Pakatan Harapan will be reducing the GST to 0% while the government is burdening the people with a GST of 6%. Does she mean Pakatan Harapan will still be maintaining the GST but at a rate of 0%, or is Pakatan Harapan going to abolish the GST altogether? This contradicts her earlier statement that if Pakatan Harapan comes to power they are going to retain the GST.

Reducing the GST to 0% is not a reduction but an abolishment of the GST. So why complicate matters by saying Pakatan Harapan is going to retain the GST but will reduce it to 0% when that tantamount to abolishing the GST? Just say if Pakatan Harapan comes to power there will no longer be any taxes, zero highway toll charges, a reduction in petrol prices, and all those other goodies they have been promising the voters for years.

And then tell us where the government’s money is going to come from to pay for development and for the cost of running the country.

Nurul said the GST is going to come to RM39 billion, which is exactly the same amount that 1MDB has lost, RM39 billion as well. So the real purpose of the GST is to pay for 1MDB’s losses, says Nurul. Is she sure of these figures? 1MDB has RM42 billion in investments and RM51 billion in assets. So is Nurul saying that all 1MDB has left is merely RM3 billion? What about the RM51 billion in assets? Has all this disappeared without a trace as well?

If 1MDB comes out and proves her wrong, Nurul may find herself facing a law suit. In not so many words Nurul is saying that the CEO of 1MDB as well as Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak have been lying to 30 million Malaysians. I am beginning to suspect that Nurul knows she is going to lose the next general election so she is inviting to be sued so that she can use that as an excuse to not contest the election.

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