Time To Stop The Drama, Admit Fraud And Get On With Re-Election, Raja Sara Tells DAP
(Malaysian Digest) – “What is DAP trying to do?”
That is the opening sentence in political analyst Raja Sara Raja Petra’s latest dare to DAP to prove the critics wrong.
In a video posting shared on Youtube, Raja Sara Petra, the daughter of blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, and now Gerakan party member, tells DAP to stop the dramatics and face up to the fact that their 2012 and 2013 Central Executive Committee (CEC) election and re-election were rigged.
Earlier this month, RoS director-general Datuk Mohammad Razin Abdullah had issued a statement instructing DAP to hold a re-election of the party’s CEC, pointing out that it is necessary as the election of CEC members and key positions via a re-election on Sept 29, 2013 was deemed unlawful.
“One leader says they cannot hold a party reelection until they meet ROS.
“Another says they will hold it under protest,” Raja Sara commented how DAP leaders can’t even agree on the excuse they will give in delaying the re-election.
The party’s vice-president Teresa Kok said stated recently that the CEC re-election will be based on the 2012 delegates list which had been verified on 15 December 2012.
She went on to declare that “DAP is ready to hold its re-election under protest and without affecting our rights to take legal action if needed.”
However, Raja Sara said hiding behind weak excuses like saying the delegates list from 2012 is outdated as many members have died or resigned is just another delaying tactic.
“Give us a number lah, 50, 100, and also they say the 2012 list is five years old,” she points out.
Clearing away all the excuses, Raja Sara laid out a simple solution for DAP. If the current CEC is not recognised by RoS, then the previous delegates list back in 2012 approved by the CEC back then is recognised as the correct list.
Raja Sara, 29, had announced her membership at a Hari Raya Aildilfitri open house organised by Gerakan at the Penyayang Bakti complex in Bandar Sri Damansara on 8 July.
Earlier this month, RoS director-general Datuk Mohammad Razin Abdullah had issued a statement instructing DAP to hold a re-election of the party’s CEC, pointing out that it is necessary as the election of CEC members and key positions via a re-election on Sept 29, 2013 was deemed unlawful.
One after another prominent DAP leader has since publicly courted sympathy by portraying the party as being deliberately victimised by RoS
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has alleged that RoS’ statement saying that there were eligible delegates for the DAP CEC re-election held in 2013 and who were denied their rights to vote, was false.
The actual scenario of how the CEC re-election played out back in 2012 and 2013 was reported in The Mole which you can read here.
She said DAP sbould stop complaining now that the list is five years old as it is still legally recognised by RoS and can still be used minus those who have died.
“Please lah stop all this drama and just get on with the new party re-election,” she said, advising DAP to let RoS hold the election for them if they are incapable of doing it themselves.
“Problem solved,” she concluded.