
Investigate apa lagi, Mahathir?

Raja Sara Petra

Mahathir Promises To Investigate 1MDB If Pakatan Wins Malaysia Elections,” said The Edge today. There is an English saying: flogging a dead horse. And this is what Tun Dr Mahathir is doing: flogging a dead horse. How many times do you want to investigate the same thing? 1MDB is probably the most investigated GLC in Malaysian history. It is time Mahathir accepts the fact that RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has NOT disappeared into thin air as he alleges.

Mahathir epitomises what one would call a sore loser. He cannot accept the fact that RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has NOT disappeared into thin air. Mahathir can korek and korek but if there is nothing there is nothing. Just because he korek and korek the same thing 100 times that does not mean nothing can change to become something in the end.

However painful it may be Mahathir has got to accept the fact that RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has not disappeared into thin air like RM31.5 billion of Bank Negara’s money did. Let it rest, Mahathir. It is getting very tiring listening to the same old 1MDB mantra. RM42 billion has not disappeared. Accept that and move on. Life is too short to waste on fairy tales and fantasy stories. There is a real world out there that we need to live in.


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