
Why can’t the opposition take its own medicine?

Raja Sara Petra

Lim Guan Eng is upset that a whistleblower has leaked details about the MACC investigation into the multi-billion Penang undersea tunnel project. Against the backdrop of alleged irregularities, the MACC has raided a number of companies and a couple of people have been arrested. This scandal is going to put the DAP-led Penang government under the spotlight added to Guan Eng’s ongoing trial involving the house he bought at Jalan Pinhorn.

As expected, the opposition is crying injustice and political persecution. They talk as if there are no allegations of abuse of power or corruption, which is the whole reason the MACC is involved in the first place. Why is it when it involves opposition figures it is political but when it involves government leaders it is justice? Even before the investigations can be completed or the court can come out with its decision they are already saying that Guan Eng and the Penang State government are innocent of all allegations.

When it comes to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak they act as prosecutor, judge and jury and pronounce Najib guilty even though the related agencies say otherwise. They reveal documents, some suspected to be doctored, and say this is their right as whistleblowers even though this violates certain laws. Why can’t the opposition take its own medicine? They ignore the law when they do things and cry foul when they are on the receiving end.


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